Friday, 4 September 2020

Best Treatment of Short Height in Burari

Best Treatment of Short Height in Burari

CALL NOW : +91-7042424269

What is short Height (Dwarfism) i.e. short height is defined when child is short compared to others, the moment you feel your child is shorter than others you should consult the doctor immediately otherwise later you may not have enough time for treatment.
Height Increase Doctor in Assam
Height Increase Doctor in Assam 

CALL NOW : +91-7042424269
How Height grows: In children the various hormones (as growth hormone, Thyroid Hormone, sex hormones, adrenal hormone androstenidione, 17-oh Progesterone, DHEAS, LH, FSH, plays the role in height increase. Also many minerals, nutrients also required for good height growth. These hormones, minerals & micronutrients lead to increased concentration of IGF-1 & some other hormones. These hormones then act on the various sensors (called receptors) in the growth plate of bone. After the interaction of hormones & receptors certain changes occurs in the functioning of cells of growth plate of long bones tissue so that growth plate cells starts growing in thickness & size & more & more new bone starts depositing in the bone thus growth plate size gradually starts increasing. Simultaneously it also increases the blood supply to growth plate tissue leading to more availability of growth factors to the growth plate tissue resulting in faster growth of growth plate tissue. These hormones & growth factors are in high concentration during peak of secondary sexual characters development i.e. puberty leading to persistent stimulation of growth plate for next two to three years i.e. up to completion of sexual development. Thus in children in two to three years full height growth occurs. 

Best Treatment of Short Height in Burari

Causes of short height are:
Hormone Disorder: Growth hormone deficiency, thyroid hormone deficiency, cortisol excess, 
Mineral Disorder: Vitamin D, Zinc, Calcium, Iron deficiency, osteomalacia, rickets, hereditary (genetic) 

Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency or hypophosphataemic 
Skeletal dysplasia: (Achondroplasia, Hypochondroplasia) 
Chromosomal defect (as Downs's Syndrome, Turner Syndrome), 

Systemic Diseases: CNS, Cardiac diseases, Renal tubular acidosis, kidney failure & Chronic Systemic diseases ,Chronic Renal disease : CRF, RTA , Hematologic disease :Anemia d/t Thallasemia major sickel cell anemia ,Uncontrolled Diabetes ,Cardiac disease: Cynotic heart disease, CHF d/t any cause. 
many other causes 
Familial short stature (genetic), Constitutional delayed growth with or without delayed puberty, 
Malnutrition, anemia, Under nutrition (of calorie, protein, vitamin-D & Zinc)
Dysmorphic syndromes (Primordial dwarf):Russel Silver Syndrome,Noonan Syndrome ,Praderwilli Syndrome ,Pseudohypoparathyroidism , LMB Synd., Progeria , Intrauterine growth retardation 
Psycho-social Dwarfism 
Malabsorption: Celiac diseases, chron’s disease & Chronic Giardiasis., 
Inborn errors of Metabolism (Mucopolysacharidosis, Galactosemia) 
CNS Disease: Mental retardation
Idiopathic Short Stature 

CALL NOW : +91-7042424269

Best Short Height Treatment in Burari

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